How To Kinda Improve — Using Grammarly

K. Well, to start off, I just want to be clear that I don’t think you should pay for Grammarly.

There is much to be gained from installing the software on your computer but stick to the free version and you’ll find that your writing will make huge improvements right away. Besides, the premium service is freaking expensive.


Truth is, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors happen. A lot. It is one of the unintended consequences of trying to write in full, coherent sentences. To be absolutely clear, you don’t need to pay for the service when the free version does the job. And the full version is, as I already said, freaking expensive!!! Here’s how I tackle my writing mistakes, while also taking advantage of the free tools offered by Grammarly:


I’ve recently enjoyed picking out the spelling mistakes in Word before copying and pasting the contents into WordPress.


I feel that Grammarly is more likely to catch extra stuff when you have corrected most of the material already on your own. I’m not sure. Either way, you’ll still want to proofread your tweets, homework assignments, term papers, and emails but Grammarly offers you an extra layer of oops protection and pushes you to write better in general. Here is Grammarly showing that it has found 10 errors that need my attention (there are also another 30 recommended changes available through the premium but you should be fine without it).

Why keep making the same mistakes? I have been using grammar all wrong. It often makes recommendations that are subtle, yet they help make a story or a description flow more naturally, keeping the reader more engaged. Maybe that doesn’t matter that much to you. Fine. At least let the free version of Grammarly save you from potential future embarrassment.


That’s all I wanted to say. If you enjoyed this post, I’d appreciate a comment! Thanks for reading and hope to see you again soon 🙂