This is my 500 for 2/1/2018

I am addicted to the consumption… there is no end .. like a dragon eating its own tail… there are a seemingly infinite number of distractions.. and it just keeps looping back in on itself.

There is a place to go when you are ready to break free.. it takes a little self-disciple.. and it takes making the choice.. I guess I have been afraid to spend more time there.. I guess that it has become more and more difficult to commit.. when I meditate.. all of my worries and anxieties will either fall away or be amplified.. the journey is just going with it.. rolling with the punches.. facing the boat into the wave… we are alone when we forget that we have the ability to break free from this loop.. we are free when we take the initiative to sit and embrace the void.


Where are we going when we seek shelter in a world without a roof..


the truth is that we are already given everything we need.. the tools are available at our disposal… but no one can force you to pick up the hammer.. no one can force you to take the first step…. I couldn’t imagine it being any other way.. and people just need to know that they are in control of their own thoughts and so much can be done… how do we create more environments available to people in need.. more environments that encourage continued introspection… continued self-respect… and the cultivation gratitude..


So much of my week has been transformed by the acknowledgment of the value of appreciation…


when I see something that I don’t like I am trapped in the thought…. I turn to a place of lack.. disgust.. shame.. hate.. anger.. everything that is in me that is toxic and poisonous… but I can extinguish the pain.. I can cut the demon at the throat.. when I think of the places… the situations… the realities… the images.. thoughts. sounds.. textures… that I appreciate…

It is better than I can imagine.. the purest form of transformation.. and it is rooted in the self.. it is rooted in my own willingness to turn my mind inside out.. to focus on the things that I wish to attract MORE OF… we deserve to live in a world where we are actively creating when we wish to actively create… because we are all creators.. we are all seeking to improve our lives… to have a level of comfort and fulfillment that creates a sense of personal joy.. gratitude and satisfaction… we strive for what is beyond us in an effort to stifle the shortcomings that plague our dreams… I appreciate you so much for reading this.. I appreciate this opportunity to approach myself… I appreciate this keyboard that I am typing on.. the songs that are playing on Spotify… my eyes are opened again and again… the same words pouring out with a different energy.. I am transformed.. and my thoughts are awake.