I wonder if I have the willpower to keep this up. I wonder if I have the self-discipline to see this all the way through. It is going to…Read More
This is my 500 for 1/13/2018
How fast can I type.. how fast can the words pour out of my mind. Lost in this paper… forgetting the keys… I can’t see past my own fingertips when…Read More
This is my 500 for 1/8/018
Take the time to remember how to breathe… how to unplug from the device that sits beside you through the night. We are not here to learn to forget……Read More
This is my 500 for 12/30/2017
Another tap.. tap.. tap.. a session continued… a thought revoked. I am dreaming I am sleeping. I think that most of the ideas have come from a place where…Read More