A budding idea.. a thought just starting to break through… hatching into the world. Reminders that we are required to surround our environments with the objects, places, images that inspire…Read More
This is my 500 for 12/26/2017
Just gotta keep plugging away… my heads throbs with this fucking stupid cold. I am feeling so much less productive but I know that I am more than halfway to…Read More
This is my 500 for 12/25/2017
I want to press start… press forward.. hitting the up button… jumping through the hoops.. dancing along the way. We are a character. We create our environment. Our physiology manifests…Read More
This is my 500 for 12/24/2017

Clear my mind. Press forward through the discomfort. I might now know exactly how my life will turn out but I believe that I am on the path to manifest…Read More