Moving slower today than I would have liked.. slower than I would have anticipated… but that’s ok because this is all part of the process.. even the time when I…Read More
This is my 500 for 1/9/2018
Words just keep rolling out… type type type… this is where the keyboard needs to be an extension of my thoughts… fingers tapping away at the keys without a…Read More
This is my 500 for 1/3/2018
Which way is the wind blowing? Reading the tea leaves and counting our blessings.. I am not alone in this process… and neither are you. When we are…Read More
This is my 500 for 12/27/2017
A budding idea.. a thought just starting to break through… hatching into the world. Reminders that we are required to surround our environments with the objects, places, images that inspire…Read More