I feel so freaking grateful. I need only to remind myself of all the things in my life that lift my spirit and the universe gifts me with more than…Read More
I feel so freaking grateful. I need only to remind myself of all the things in my life that lift my spirit and the universe gifts me with more than…Read More
The development of the mind, body, and soul is the very definition of our purpose. We build around ourselves all the added layers of distractions and creative excuses because…Read More
This is my 500 for 3-13-2018 I’m learning to focus my attention on the things that really matter. Back with pen in hand, listening to the first drops…Read More
This is my 500 for 3-5-2018 The words roll out… type type type. Practice moving. Think less and act more… keeping my thoughts buried tightly within the confines of…Read More
This is my 500 for 2-28-2018 I’ve been doing it all wrong. But that’s ok. Because the “how” and the “why” don’t really matter. There is an understanding… but…Read More
I am late.. falling behind.. tired. Today was longer than I was expecting.. but I have to power through ‘til the end. Turn on something that makes your heart…Read More
This is the time set aside for me to work on reaching you.. reaching out to myself. I am not sure where this is going.. so long as the fingers…Read More
We are back together. The keyboard holds my feet to the fire. I can’t stop no matter what.. my mind is racing for answers… feeling tempted with distractions. It is…Read More
Which way is the wind blowing? Reading the tea leaves and counting our blessings.. I am not alone in this process… and neither are you. When we are…Read More
Feel the notes bending.. vibrating with the wind… strings and woodwinds… controlling emotions.. each note I tap must serve a purpose.. a purpose that I might not yet understand.. slow…Read More